
908 Audio Reviews

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Reminds me a bit of the music you'd hear in those silent shorts lol. And...Kingdom Hearts for some reason.

Feels like a JRPG Town or a Character theme. So epic. LOL 2:03.

I don't think I've heard contemporary chip-Waltz before. GREAT chip-work and I love that bombastic beat. Love it!

johnfn responds:

LOL - that's totally the right genre for this piece.

You sir are the king of funky OHC. Been jammin' to this tune in my car for food runs. This is the best stuff to chill to. Nice work man uWu

johnfn responds:

Thanks! :D Haha I listen to it while driving sometimes as well. It pairs really well.

Trippy. Nice funky chip stuff. And vocals to boot. Nice! Groovin in my seat like a tard.

johnfn responds:

Thank you my man!

Dat drum reverb. Holy shit. Nice arp.

johnfn responds:

LOL this is a blast from the past. What was I even thinking writing this piece..?

Wow that Oboe is great!! The low string bass work is kick ass too. That piano arp is a JRPG staple and done very convincingly. Nice bell and pizzicato elements - those same elements worked greatly in Shelter of the Trees too. You got a good handle on the percussion. Sounds professional to me. :3

Wow that VSCO2 and Flex are sure robust. I gotta try those out defo!! Love the percussion, flute and plucky things. Though, I think there could be a bit more release on the flute, at least when it finishes its lines to segue into other parts. Minor gripe though.

Reminds me of Lunar Silver Star (for PS1) quite a bit. Sound production is solid, as your other works. Love the piano chords too. The accompanying strings really seal the deal. Oh and good use of the shakes and bells. All the good stuff. It's also very emotional.

Very magical. This could work in an ice cave too. Love the plucked and the vibrato strings. Hmm..reminds me of FFXII.

Troisnyx responds:

Ding ding ding, we have a winner! 💖
FFXII was a big influence of mine for this, as was FFX with its Sanubia / Bikanel theme, and of course film score in general.

Hello wonderful friends!! I am a seasoned ReMixer and Original Works composer.
I am inspired by the VGM classics from the likes of Kenji Yamomoto, Michiru Yamane, David Wise and many, many more! I love blending ambience with groove, especially...

Alex Shtokalko @HoboKa

Age 37, Male CDI Ganon

Music Hobbyist

Charles Best

Canada, BC

Joined on 10/19/19

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