
908 Audio Reviews

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Nice cat meow synth. Liking the piano and chips too.

I shoulda stuck with FL 11...(most of my FLPs are now FL20, so i can't roll back now...FML)
ANYWAYS, is this tune featured in an album for me to grab*? I'd love to buy it if it's available. Always open to adding new music to my mix collection. Nice sexy french singing thar. Tight rhythmic textures too!

Troisnyx responds:

Not available for purchase anywhere yet, but I'll see if I can't dash you a message when it is!

Glad you enjoyed it 💖

Found it more relaxing than OH MY GOD gotta run cuz we're about to 'splode. But I like it nonetheless. To me, it sounds like an espionage/sneak theme, and you're hiding under the floor panels or incognito. Still, I love the aesthetic here. Nice textures and throbbing pulses.

Tremulos responds:

I love the interpretation! The sound that opens the song up made me think of an alarm, hence the name I went with haha. Thank you very much for the kind words!

Pretty good! Like the mixups with the beat and the glitching is nice touch.

Love this Album, been jamming to it in my car. :D

ConnorGrail responds:

Thank you! It's cool that you are still listening ;)

I prefer the beat at 1:55, because it doesn't blow out my ear drums rofl. Might wanna fix the ceiling a bit here and reduce some velocities. Otherwise, nice banger here.

Love the Hans Zimmer vibe going on here. Beautiful. Lots of depth and good use of dynamics.

I am starting to seriously appreciate songs that don't hog the ceiling and blow out your ear-drums (EDIT: which is to say, you didn't blow out my ear drums and the mix is perfect!)...anyways...I think some variety on the gating times would elevate this to a 5 for me. But otherwise, pretty solid atmospheric dreamscape you got goin on. Nice drone/stringy pad at 2:50 area...Love the last minute of it especially. Percussion is nice, reminds me of slower SNES tunes.

Desmae responds:

thanks for the honest review, appreciate it

Wow, it's cool to see how your mix skillz have evolved since 2019. Dat bass is BASSY. Wow. Love that honky tonk piano, the crystal chimes. All the elements fit nicely. Nice touch with the snare rim/wood. The synthy orchestral stuff works real well here too. Overall, nice upbeat Xmas Yuletide Theme. Move aside Michael Bublé, RealMrSnuggles in da house!!

Hello wonderful friends!! I am a seasoned ReMixer and Original Works composer.
I am inspired by the VGM classics from the likes of Kenji Yamomoto, Michiru Yamane, David Wise and many, many more! I love blending ambience with groove, especially...

Alex Shtokalko @HoboKa

Age 37, Male CDI Ganon

Music Hobbyist

Charles Best

Canada, BC

Joined on 10/19/19

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