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bit of a slow preface before 1 minute mark, but I'm guessing that's being true to the source? Either way, I love the low hummy choirs and how they adapt and flow with the beat and bass. It's a nice dream-like feel. You've captured the Halo vibe nicely.

Desmae responds:

Thank you so much, I was trying to catch the vibe of the original Halo trilogy. Sounding very aged but still worth the listen.

I like the gated feel and the textures used here.

Man, you're so generous with your policy. Anyhoo...MAN THIS IS PARASITE EVE LEVEL GOOD. My ears just busted a nut.

This is the perfect Castlevania vibe right here. Nice work.

FahadLami-NG responds:

Thank you

LOL...a Marriage Dirge. Brilliant. Oooooooo reverse piano sounds. WOW...the flimsier instruments are better masked here by the soundscape,until about 3 minute mark, then the guitar sample there is a bit thin...EDIT...can't grant you a 5 for the 4:18 region, due to the grating high notes of the guitar sample. There's gotta be some better cheap or free guitar VSTs out there. Ask KVR Audio or maybe hop on John Montoya's Discord Group. The people there can help you out...probably.

FahadLami-NG responds:

Thank you very much

The beat, bass and flutes would make an awesome C&C tune. The bwaoooy pad thing isn't a bad touch tho i wonder if it's mixed too loud...dunno.

Nice introspective vibe going on here. Very chill...Lot's of applications for 'Between Worlds'. Though I must confess, with a title like that, I was expecting a Quake-like theme a la Trent Reznor. Lmao. But instead, I got more of a Square/Enix vibe. I prefer the latter...no offense to Trent or anything. :P

I'm a huge fan of dark dismal shit. And 'Soapstone Palace' is not an exception here. This is like a mix mash of Enix games and Blood (PC). Reminds me of Soulblazer, particularly. Beautiful and haunting! OH shit...Phrenemophiba is right, this is totally a Breath of Fire vibe. Lmao. BTW, are those string samples from Castlevania 4? :3

Bertn1991 responds:

Thank you so much. I believe the samples are the same ones the Castlevania IV developers used. The original file of this song could run on an actual Super Nintendo cartridge if I had the know-how.

Also, liked Soulblazer! It's been a long time, but I remember it being pretty good. I'm a big Enix fan :D

Awesome tune man. Maybe you should archive those games on Newgrounds?

Bertn1991 responds:

Thank you! That's probably a good idea. I'd be very sad if the game was lost.

Cool tune. Nice drum-work and the outtro is cool. I'm sure your cousin would be proud of your work Bertn. I prefer dollars over nickels though. Less clutter that way. :P

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