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Sounds like the theme to a kid's puppet show. Nice and cheerful.

Nice positive vibe...very sci fi-like.

Desmae responds:

Thank you very much :)

Wow, real creative work on the percussion there. Melodies are cool, nice sort of Arabic vibe to em. Mysterious.

Getting some Sonic CD memories here. Good times. Nice mixups to keep it fresh.

Huh, it does have a sort of Gorillaz vibe. Reminds me RealMrSnuggles stuff too lmao. Good work man. Weird, but good.

Pretty grood.

Getting some Axiom Verge, Donkey Kong, Silent Hill...jesus so many vibes here. I'm gonna enjoy listening through this one especially. I love experimental, dark dismal shit lmao. Yeah, I'm weird. RIP me*

1:58, we even got vocals going on too. Wow...You deserve a lot more exposure. The good kind UwU.

2:52 is a nice atmosphere and style shift. Love the blend of atmosphere and synthwave. Just Mmm Mmm Tasteh.

4:48 Though, the off-pitch vocals kinda work actually. Bit rough at parts, but it adds to the dystopian mental-fuck vibe. Are these your work, or some .wav breaks that you found? Not 2 shabby.

5:30...YUS gimme those big waaaooooo shifting bladerunner pads. Inject them into my veins. So sexy lmao. Then you bait my ear-clits at 5:45 with awesome vox/vocals. This is epic work Queen =p ... The keys that follow are a great texture/timber that adds to it all so nicely.

Ok, I admit to browsing thru the rest of it, but I doubt there's any faux passes here...nice harp-arp key-work. Goes great with the sub bass. Oh btw, the Jazzy HH-patterns are killer.

Great Cyberpunk tune Queen! I probably uWu'd too hard. But I really appreciate this style of music, soooo~

TheVodouQueen responds:

Yeah this one I made for a close friend because he's a fanatic about the Metal Gear series, especially the music and story, and I tried to make a song that fits the whole asethetic of the series and the mood it gives off overall. I've read up a bit about it and played through the first and second Solid games, but all I had to work on was the reading and what he told me, and dunno, just came up with this (mostly cause I really, really wanted to do something vapourwave / synthwave, cause it is one of my favourite modern music genres to date.)

The off-pitch vocals were a fuckin nightmare to even remotely sync with everything else, truly. BUT, that being said, yeah you make a point...somehow they work. The lyrics are actually the acapella of "Snake Eater" from MGS3, all I did was slice them to fit the harp melody and beat, and I did distort them a bit with reverbs and slight compression to soften them. I think I lost my mind with this one, because Halcyon Hare Stage was the very first song I'd ever tried in my whole life, and then I immediately jumped to something that not only required trying to understand lyric splicing, but working with sound effects too. I am starting to think I'm mentally insane trying these extreme experimental things as a complete newbie to music crafting.

Not really to music theory, I did used to play in band long time ago, and I mean real long time (high school, and just turned 32 this year, so do the math xD), and I am a rabid connoisseur of anything musical, but yeah... I'm so, so glad you enjoyed it. :D And it worked out despite me actually nearly chucking this in the garbo (I thought it was terrible at first, too much distortion and the lyrics being a pain to work with xD).

So again, bottom of my heart, thank you for the sincere and glowing comments. I don't feel I deserve them, but they mean so much to hear. ♥

Beautiful remix here. NieR is a game that I fear to try, cuz I worry it's too depressing lmao. Also I hear it has a lot of annoying where-the-fuck-do-I-go moments...

This remix reminds me of Persona 4 Golden too. Which ironically, is probably even more of a depressing game than Nier (well it can be on Bad Endings >.<)

TheVodouQueen responds:

Yeah IDK what in the world possessed me to try and tackle such an intricate piece and set of lyrics, as like, the 2nd ever song to try and make, but the results even surprised the hell out of me. I sadly never got to play any of the NieRs yet, despite owning both Automata and Gestalt (which is wack considering how much of a SquareEnix nerd / fangirl I am), but I am going to take some time soon to enjoy both. Got really hooked to this song after playing through the NieR-related raids on FFXIV, so just had to do something with such beautiful lyrics.

Persona is a great game series too I need to play some time. ^^; Such cool funky beats, especially in Persona 5.

Getting some Happy Hardcore vibes here...2:15 is especially cool with that distorted guitar synth.

This is hella trippy. Love it! Reminds me a bit of the OST to Bloodlines PC.

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