
908 Audio Reviews

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Nice gating Bimmy.

Campy goodness. Silvagunna level of skill here. Time to eat some Miserable Piles of Spaghetti!! With Michael Rosen of course.

TheVodouQueen responds:

Hehe, you're making me blush here! Thank you so much for the listen and compliments! I'm so pleased, but nah don't think I can be compared to the great SilvaGunner. Funny enough this is like the sixth or seventh song I ever made. I just started trying to understand DAW, loops, mastering and all that good stuff about the beginning of September. But I really appreciate the props. Lifts my spirits up! Good luck in the contest, and I'm defo having a look at your work too. The song titles sound funny and sound like bigger fun to listen to!

I'm getting some Rammstein vibes here. Epic!

Pretty cool comrade.

Russian Theme intensifies...into Castlevania!!

Might wanna slap in another tag as there is elements of DnB or EDM...not sure. I was expecting a classical orchestral thing or something lmao. Sounds more like a Daft Punk tune with some orchestral elements, which is not a bad thing by any means. I dig this a lot!

Love the vinyl textures here. Thought it was weird at first until I adapted to it, like with the other tunes. Low-Fi Jazzhop eh? Nice mash up of styles. And well executed. EDITS...sorry.

Vimori responds:

No problem, glad you like it :)

I wish it was longer...but I can see the need to vary up lengths to tracks. Guess it's to serve as a transition track of sorts. EDITS...hah.

Vimori responds:

I think you are right
Btw nice review :)

I like this one the best. Love the brass-work. Overall, the album 'Tea & City Lights' has a consistent style and texture all-throughout. Love the low-fi vibes, the trippy brass and piano work, the odd timing glitch stuff and other FX that I'm too lazy to do myself. LMAO. Good work man. GREAT lounge music...

Vimori responds:

Thank you!
I'm really glad you like it.
And you are not the first one to say that this is the best work from the album. Thaaaank youuuu :D

Jazzhop, eh? So many Hop styles lmao. And Step styles. And Wank styles. Love the mellow vibe and instrumentation. The transition FX are dope. Nice vocal samples too.

Vimori responds:

HoboKa is back for reviews :D
Love u, bro, thanks <3

Hello wonderful friends!! I am a seasoned ReMixer and Original Works composer.
I am inspired by the VGM classics from the likes of Kenji Yamomoto, Michiru Yamane, David Wise and many, many more! I love blending ambience with groove, especially...

Alex Shtokalko @HoboKa

Age 37, Male CDI Ganon

Music Hobbyist

Charles Best

Canada, BC

Joined on 10/19/19

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4y 9m 9d