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EDIT...Lemme break this down better. Nice German Pluck thingy too. 2:18 is a nice breakdown. I like what you did with the E-Guitars from 4:20 to 7:10...the timber and style of the samples works better in the 2nd half of the song. I enjoyed the distorted legato E-guitar notes at the end as they added to the cool atmosphere you set up. So...it's pretty decent.

Pardon revisions...needed to make my review a bit more coherent and less hammy.

FahadLami-NG responds:

Thank you very much :D

I am digging that corrupt, glitchy vibe with the beat. The other elements definately lend to an alien vibe. In fact, the vox/pads remind me of some classic sci-fi animes, same with the semi detuned strings. Also, who's playing ping-pong in the background? Haha...it just works. Damn good piano melodies. Love how this evolves. Nice work dood.

LostChronology responds:

Thanks for your feedback man! :)

Pretty chill. Not a bad take imo. This'd make a great Low-Fi/Atmospheric beat for some other project for sure.

Trippy. Nice Earthbound vibes.

Great arcade vibe. Reminds me of Daniel Baranowsky's work. Loops perfectly.

Kinda wish you added a bass-line so the drums had more of a home. It'd also be a bit more original and less cover-ish too. Oh well. Interesting idea.

I enjoyed it, very entrancing style...they say 'slow and heavy does it' (Actually, they don't, but hey, someone has to quip that line)... I hope to hear more of your works down the line and that your life will be a bit less hectic in the future. :D

my friend and I had a helluva time with that campaign lol. Too bad the guns were nerfed compared to Halo 3. Oh well. I did like the OST though!

Love the sample quality here. The timber of the strings is fantastic. Beat is good too. Nice interpretation man. Oooo 2:45 choirs are sexy...why does this part remind me of 007?? Oh well...great work mate.

Desmae responds:

Thanks a lot man, poured a few hours into this, I'm glad you like it.

Pretty kewl. This'd make cool mini boss music or something. Would like to see it more developed :3

Damn, this is hella creepy and jank - in the good way. I think it's mixed pretty well. The wet/bony sound is very disturbing... Like we're inside Pennywise's Sewer. Ick.

BakiTheFox responds:

Thank you! I actually made this from objects in my shed. Haha

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I am inspired by the VGM classics from the likes of Kenji Yamomoto, Michiru Yamane, David Wise and many, many more! I love blending ambience with groove, especially...

Alex Shtokalko @HoboKa

Age 37, Male CDI Ganon

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Charles Best

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