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And another under-appreciated tune at NG. Great vocal sample - love the haunting distortion to it. Reminds me of some Western RPG's made in the early 2000's. Actually, I'm also feeling some Chrono Trigger in this. Like a VERY remixed version of the Queen Zeal theme. Lots of applications here. Oh! Great production too, especially knowing that you used Sonatina Orchestra - some good use of freeware for sure - that takes talent :)

BakiTheFox responds:

Thank you, I was having a lot of issues working out the mixing for it but I got it as good as I could. I think maybe there's some phasing issue but eventually I might go back and fix it.

YUS...gimme that Halloween vibe - inject it in my veins!! Love me some Sega chip horror vibe. Ghostly for sure. Reminds me of Splatter House a bit.

BakiTheFox responds:

Halloween is my favorite holiday, I didn't get to do much for it this year due to being sick. Next year I'll make something way spookier!

The retro gating effect is just killer. Yeah, this is legit synthwave imo. Reminds me of Axiom Verge at parts. Also getting Tron vibes. It's a bit stagnant in terms of pacing, like at 3:39, I'm starting to get a bit bored. Thankfully 3:55 varies it up. 4:21 Nice!! Now I'm getting Silent Hill feels lol. Briefly. 6:14 harkens Trent Reznor feelz. Nice. Got some Industrial stuff going on, another genre that I dig. 7:04 that cymbol sure is dry and low-fi...maybe a better sample? 7:22, not a huge fan of the pluck synth thing, something that can boast a more reverb-delay would probably be more fitting - or maybe a saxophone/reed instead?? Just some ideas there. So yeah...it's not bad over-all. Bit long for my taste though haha. 8:40 is a cool throwback.

I hear some Bebe's Kids in the bassline at parts LMAO. Though the rest sounds like beat 'em up games. Maybe some Earthworm Jim vibes! Real good chip-work too.

BakiTheFox responds:

Thank you! I really enjoy the music from games like Bebe's Kids. To a lot of people those games are obscure, but their music all deserves a good listen!

Mmmm I love this style of beat. It has a get wrekt-son vibe to it. I love the 3/4 sort of ballad swing to it at the 1:23 mark. Evolves nicely and organically. No negative crits here!

Strings are a bit stilted on the velocity/start, but the rest is super kocher. The pad adds a lot to this. I'm bad at pure orchestral myself, so I really can't cast stones, but I felt I should point string-thing out, in case you are in a position to fix them. If not, I'll overlook it next time.

Natcl23 responds:

No, I know what you mean, I often have problem with that, but I'll see what I can do, anyway, thanks for your comment!

That is one eerie swing-type dirge lol. I like it!

I think its the reverb amount. Reduce it all on every track by a fair bit. Then ease it up a tad, once everything sounds less pushed back. Boost the percussion by a fair bit and bingo! You can do this! 1:20 I think a half-tempo snare hit would do a lot to keep the intensity going, even on the slower breakdown. Same deal with 2:00 area I guess. Maybe some sort of rhythmic sequence to aid the slower parts feel more intense. That, or very Low piano and string notes. Pardon the edits :D

RealBlargMaster responds:

I can't edit this anymore. I'm not able to save my projects in FL

Love the almost swing-like vibe to the structure. Would love to hear the full version.

Pretty decent, the bass is much louder than the rest of the mix. I think I get the intent here, but the other instruments might want to be brought up a bit I think. Also noticed at 5:03 that the guitar sample was much cleaner sounding without the bass, so I think the bass is also hogging a low-mid frequency as well. Other than that, this is pretty cool.

RealBlargMaster responds:

If you think that something is off or doesn't sound quite right, feel completely free to click on the big ol' link in the description and mix/master/EQ the song how you see fit. It's fun

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