
908 Audio Reviews

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Parts I liked. 0:36 to 1:19

0:00 - 0:35 is rough, but in the context of 0:58, it makes sense. So I'm torn here. Maybe a simple alteration of the beat and the bass would help? Run another pass by me with an edit, if you feel like it. Oh, also maybe lower the snare type samples by 0.2** dB or so.

This feels live-played (recorded obviously). It's hard to get this kind of melodic vibe with just a mouse haha. Great progression and it says what has to be said and GTFO. I love short and sweet tunes :D....

WUT!! DAMNIT. 0/5 now. JK

Troisnyx responds:

I did get that melodic vibe with a mouse prior to March of this year out of sheer necessity. 😁

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you~

Love the jazzy vibe going on here. Or is it Swing? Lots of love went into this, I can tell.

Pretty dang cool. Nice and bouncy. The breakdown at 1:40 is nice. 2:41, that count-down thing is a bit too jank for me. The count-down is a bit jank and it plods along a bit. Maybe my ADD is to blame. 4 is the best I can give. Sorry!

Glad I grabbed this album. The Night, Alive is another great tune. Love the Oriental vibe sprinkled throughout. Nice breakdown at 2:24. Then a kick ass guitar solo follows. Man this one evolves a ton; so nice Prog Rock vibes going on. I like the transitions too!

ConnorGrail responds:

Glad people are liking the flow of this one! Making all these sections work together was a lot of fun.

Pretty dang good. The ceiling is MAXED, but somehow not too much clipping. Nice work there lmao. Some gangbanger dubstep trap vibe. Killer!

Vimori responds:

You are here again: D
Thanks for your feedback, they are always interesting to read <3

Grats on Front Page! Love the ambience, the vocal samples...everything.

Vimori responds:

Thank you very much, bro!
I appreciate it :)

Love the bass-work and the Low Fi samples are great. Love the Vox stuff too. Super chill!

Vimori responds:

Glad you liked it. I have plans to do more of this material and I will not disappoint, I will try, at least ^^

So smooth and chill. Low Fi goodness.

Vimori responds:


Yup, bonbos are a good level. Great cinematic fanfare sort of thang.

Hello wonderful friends!! I am a seasoned ReMixer and Original Works composer.
I am inspired by the VGM classics from the likes of Kenji Yamomoto, Michiru Yamane, David Wise and many, many more! I love blending ambience with groove, especially...

Alex Shtokalko @HoboKa

Age 37, Male CDI Ganon

Music Hobbyist

Charles Best

Canada, BC

Joined on 10/19/19

Exp Points:
2,823 / 2,840
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Vote Power:
5.84 votes
Audio Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
4y 9m 9d