
908 Audio Reviews

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Pretty dang good mate.

Mel responds:

thanks mate!

Pretty sweet. Nice downtempo ending. I'd love to hear it in the middle too. Good work with effects and such. Nice chiptune work. Seems you found a good person to hitch a ride with. Nice work fellas. That bass is swaag too.

This reminds me of the Shop theme in Castlevania: Curse of Darkness...I regret never beating KH2...I liked 1 better because it had more focus on Disney villians and the Heartless. The Nobodies and hooded dudes were...weird. But, I still gotta beat it damnit. 9000 edits later...

1:18-1:19, there is an articulation hiccup on the oboe/english horn(?). But the other elements are teh perfect. Super minor gripe...

Troisnyx responds:

Personally, I much prefer Kingdom Hearts 1 and I do think it still is the best game in the entire series, so I feel perhaps a bit the way you do regarding Kingdom Hearts 2.

I think I know what you mean about the hiccup, some wondered if it was an artifact but I'm not honestly sure. Otherwise, I'm glad you enjoyed it. ^_^

Beautiful!! Wow, the dynamics here are phenomenal!

Oooooo so Phantasy Star-feelin'... Dat 32 bit sound with trippy squelchy wooow synths and a funky DnB bass. The mix is quite impressive too. As usual, of course. The chord-hits are especially magical. Nice!

Bruhhhh this is the BEST tune to listen to whilst doing homework or chilling with a coffee and looking at social media posts. Also, it'd work great as VGM. You're so damn good haha.

Pretty decent. Love the second half. Nice funky beat.

Reminds me of some PC games from the 90's, FMV games, namely. Oh, and I'm getting some Phantasy Star 4 feels. Nice work!

Bruh, you need to engage in more voting with other people and the reviews will flow in, I guarantee it. I know, this advise is kind of unsolicited, but I love your work and it's sad to see it go unnoticed. I'll try and keep abreast of it, you submit so much lmaoooo. Don't stop mang. The sax sample here is a bit flimsy, but the other elements are just too damn good to not give this a 5. Nice work!

ClitBait responds:

I will take that advice very seriously

I think this is pretty cool. Pretty robust samples too.

Hello wonderful friends!! I am a seasoned ReMixer and Original Works composer.
I am inspired by the VGM classics from the likes of Kenji Yamomoto, Michiru Yamane, David Wise and many, many more! I love blending ambience with groove, especially...

Alex Shtokalko @HoboKa

Age 37, Male CDI Ganon

Music Hobbyist

Charles Best

Canada, BC

Joined on 10/19/19

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> 100,000
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4y 9m 9d