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Very good. This is pretty trip.

Vimori responds:

Big thanks!

I think the mix is perfect except for maybe the pad and the possibly the bass? Unsure. I think something is going on in the 65-100 hz area of the pad. Could be wrong. Too late for my stereos.


(hopped on my hardon-kardon sound sticks/stereos) Well, my sound sticks are more linear sounding. Sounds better on them than my headphones ironically. So I think it's alright. But I'd still check the frequency I mentioned. Probably could use a tad more reduction in that sweet spot.

JsBeatzz responds:

Ah yes good sir I see what you mean. I originally wanted the pads and bass to have that tron-esque cyberpunk sound. Perhaps I should make more airy than aggressive. Thanks for the feedback

I like the phased effect of the piano. Brings that some kick ass PS1 vibes. Nice E-guitar FX. All the samples work well. And the beat makes it sexy.

TheShinsOfficial responds:

Cheers HoboKa305 ;

Wow that's a bad Snes rom. Nice effect lol.

RealMrSnuggles responds:

I used fruity granulizer and manually turned knobs on the effects.

This is stupid and good sounding at the same time. I like. Dat clav.

RealMrSnuggles responds:


Now I think the claps work better in this tune than the other one I was bitching about. Haha. Love the upbeat feels here. I see why you are prideful. 'Popoff' is campy, fun and more or less well produced. Nice work dood.

RealMrSnuggles responds:

Appreciate it!

Getting some Phantasy Star 4 vibes here. I think the odd snare hit would work better than the claps, personally. Something big and reverby. Like half time for the parts you want drawn out, then pars like 2:40...though I doubt that a reverby snare would sound good if used in the same pattern as the claps.

Still, they aren't horrible, personal taste really.

RealMrSnuggles responds:

Thats actually an interesting point, I think it sounds a little generic so that would certainly give it some personality.

Hello wonderful friends!! I am a seasoned ReMixer and Original Works composer.
I am inspired by the VGM classics from the likes of Kenji Yamomoto, Michiru Yamane, David Wise and many, many more! I love blending ambience with groove, especially...

Alex Shtokalko @HoboKa

Age 37, Male CDI Ganon

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Charles Best

Canada, BC

Joined on 10/19/19

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