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Nice work.

Reminds me of Fear Factory from DKC at parts. Nothing wrong with adapting a rhythm and altering it a bunch. Totally not guilty of that. Nope.

Really good production and fairly solid chord structure. I think it swaps between minor and major at parts. Unsure. I'm not that versed in theory.

Awesome cut-off frequency effect on the secondary rhythmic thingy. And lots of pulse width. This is phat. Loving that robo bass. Great beat. Clap that robot booty. Lot's of cool evolution.

Solid analog pads. Nice and chill beat. Again, on the quiet side, but not awful.

Great!. But one can tell by the waveform that this is mixed very quiet. Could use a master boost, or just up the individual instruments each by about 1/4. Otherwise, pretty solid.

Unless this is BGM and it's meant to be quiet for a game. Then Ignore me.

This has a funky vibe alright. Haven't played Undertale, but I am getting some Earthbound vibes here. At 0:53 onward it starts to unravel a bit imo. There's another layer of the repeating rhythm that doesn't really add much and sounds a bit annoying =l

Personally, I think it's better as a loop point from start to 0:53. Not sure if the rest is really an addition...least to me.

Caveat: the unique drum ideas work pretty well. You could probably rinse and repeat and just use those additional drum patterns to spice things up. *shrug*

Maybe other people will have more insight or better opinions.

CompXsco responds:


The detuned (5ths?) are a really nice touch. Great syncopation too. Pulsing rhythm is kick ass. Could dance the robot to 'Sub-Orbital Base' too.

Could use a bit more humanization, but pretty good melody and rhythms.

DjTheDarkFlameMaster responds:

Thanks for your commentary bro, have a nice day!

oooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo!! This song gave me mad ASMR as a kid. Heh, you adapted that jazzy rock vibe from the other source tunes of MMX and created a kick ass cover-mix. Creative!

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