
908 Audio Reviews

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Right in the kuwanker!

0:26-0:33 I detected some off-keyness with the E-guitar.

0:33 - 1:26 no issues.

1:27-1:50 here we go again, some issues there. Is the bassline sample detuned? Something funky is going on.

Sykozealot responds:

I was simply trying a different effect on my guitar and you guessed it was detuned -2 and its seems that in some parts of the song it doesn't really work out sadly

I think I was too focused on what it sounded like from 33-1:26 as you mentioned that some how that slipped under my radar but now I can't unhear it

nostalgic asmr time.

Synthwave-House seems to be a popular style here haha.

Love them doododododdododododoodoo Terminator things. Getting pumped for a Doom FPS set in cyberpunk land. Gotta shoot Jeff Bezos' evil robot minions.

Nice SFX and chip stuff. This reminds me of a stage in Axiom Verge.

I need to experiment more.

Nice automation and evolution. Lmao this is creative as hell.

Interesting semi off-key vibe. It repulses and attracts, kinda like a David Lynch theme. Like, everything is fine, but there's a touch of unease. Anxiety. Kinda like my normal day.

Nice pitch-bends there. Nice use of reverb and lots of things to keep the listener engaged. OK that's all the fancy reviews I'm giving today.

Nice shift of tone at 1:55. This part is my favorite.

Production seems pretty solid too.

AlteredWaveStudios responds:

Thank you so much for your feedback! I really love making music that's kinda more than just upbeat coz I'm an anxious babby and wanna portray that as much as possible. I'm glad you appreciate my weird tone shifts too :)

Now this is my style. Pretty suave. This'd work well in a Spy movie or game. Or something like TimeSplitters ha...Or as a dance tune at a place that has taste.

So, this isn't my style, but I think the production is pretty tight. Some of the pitched editing on the vocals feels a bit too ham for me.

This needs to featured in a game or a flash animation. Would recommend. That is some hardcore beats and stuff. Reminds me of some great PS2 titles like Contra.

Hello wonderful friends!! I am a seasoned ReMixer and Original Works composer.
I am inspired by the VGM classics from the likes of Kenji Yamomoto, Michiru Yamane, David Wise and many, many more! I love blending ambience with groove, especially...

Alex Shtokalko @HoboKa

Age 37, Male CDI Ganon

Music Hobbyist

Charles Best

Canada, BC

Joined on 10/19/19

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