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Killer tune right here. Some phat wubs and FX.

Vimori responds:

Thanks bro!
I really spent a lot of time on it

What're you gonna do if you hit 9000? Blow up the YouTube? Nice Chip Tunes. So crisp they are crunchy. Mmmm crisps.

Nice samplework - has a very cinematic Hurry! Nice down-tempo switch ups. Needs more votes...

CloakedSoup responds:

Thanks! I wrote/mixed and mastered a fair bit of it in a hurry, though I plan on re-releasing/re-working it + several other pieces from NGADM for an EP/album once the competition is over.

Wow...the theme even matches the Author Comment. Gotta go, swag-time!! Not too shabby jazz instruments too. Lots of 'verb and delay FX.

vocaloutburst responds:

LMFAO yeah I'm bad at coming up with descriptions for stuff XD! Happy to hear you enjoyed it!!

Nice haunting swells and humanizing of lower quality samples. You put a lot of effort into the fade outs and dynamics here.

Always d2f - I mean down to listen to a RealMrSnuggles tune. Oo-ooh! Lemme guess - it's a seaside town theme.
1:14...woah we are in another place now. Kinda wishing that piano sample were less dry. But oh well. Nice flutey flutes.
2:31 and we're back to the 'main theme'. Not sure what that detour at 1:14 exactly alludes to. Could work as a seperate track too.
3:36 detour to familiar territory. So I'm missing some context here, aren't I? Is this for a scene? It's nice.
Also maybe add some reverb to that piano. And maybe find a different sample that allows for a bit more dynamics?? Maybe it's just a simple trick of humanizing the velocity more.

RealMrSnuggles responds:

I should have changed that piano lol. I made the second part not really caring about the first, when it was done and realized they were too different I felt bad about getting rid of it so I kept everything. You can imagine this as a contrast between two bunnies with polar oppposite personalities. I always enjoy your input dude!

Ooooo is it dedicated to me? Teehee :3 *neckbeard duckface* (j/k)

Suuuper chill. The HH could be to mixed 1.5 dB quieter maybe? 1:07 when it (HH) it popped out of existence, I didn't feel like its presence before that added much more. So it was probably jarring me.

ninjamuffin99 responds:

yeah this one for u

Hello wonderful friends!! I am a seasoned ReMixer and Original Works composer.
I am inspired by the VGM classics from the likes of Kenji Yamomoto, Michiru Yamane, David Wise and many, many more! I love blending ambience with groove, especially...

Alex Shtokalko @HoboKa

Age 37, Male CDI Ganon

Music Hobbyist

Charles Best

Canada, BC

Joined on 10/19/19

Exp Points:
2,823 / 2,840
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Vote Power:
5.84 votes
Audio Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
4y 9m 9d