
908 Audio Reviews

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Man you are loaded for bear/bare/beer? Servants! More mead for this stalwart 32-bit knight!

Well that sounds rough. Depression is a unique disease to everyone. I deal with it too. Maybe most of us do on some level. Time to open up the discussion of it and to stand firm against the bullies who try to shut us down.

Anyways, the song is solid. Nice work you two. This'd work in a lot of mediums.

Is that Portamento or hand-crafted automation on them pitches etc? These chips sound very alive.

flaminglog responds:

Hand-crafted! I use famitracker, so bends have to be done manually. You put in a direction, speed, and amount of semitones. Vibrato is done by setting amplitude and wavelength at each line. The real necessary part was putting a very slight (like talking percents of a tone) shift on the secondary rhythm melody channels, along with a very slight long-period vibrato, to prevent any pitch intersections. If you don't adjust for that, you end up with sour notes.

I've been using famitracker for ten years, it takes a while to pick the stuff up but it can be done.

Now this reminds me of Worms Armageddon at parts. Nice work.

Mass Effect Andromeda!! My face...my face is tired.

Just kidding. Nice inflections. Great variety in characters. Very little stiffness. Well not from your voice anyways. Right, I'll see myself out the door now. Keep at 'er.

Getting some 90's point and click adventure vibes here. Hah.
Nice work.

feels like a C&C meets David Lynch.

Has more of a carnival feel to me - maybe if the fearies are hosting a party or something. Does capture the "elves" vibe part though. 2:35-end is my favorite part.

Reminds me of Contra III & CV4 somehow.

NKUJARKS responds:

i'm flattered, thanks.

Hello wonderful friends!! I am a seasoned ReMixer and Original Works composer.
I am inspired by the VGM classics from the likes of Kenji Yamomoto, Michiru Yamane, David Wise and many, many more! I love blending ambience with groove, especially...

Alex Shtokalko @HoboKa

Age 37, Male CDI Ganon

Music Hobbyist

Charles Best

Canada, BC

Joined on 10/19/19

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